The probable causes:
tagIn either case, follow the steps in this video
Navigate to your Shopify Admin Page, then Themes
Click on "Customize"
Click on "Add Section"
Scroll to Advanced layout, Click on "Custom Content", Click on "Add"
Give an appropriate heading (ex: Stories). Click on "Add content", then click on "Custom HTML"
Copy and Paste the following HMTL code here:
<!--Instahippo Widget HTML code-->
<div class="ihStories-b" id="iHippo"></div>
Remove unwanted default content supplied by the template
Go back Section and drag and drop the "Custom content" section to wherever necessary.
Click on Save. Now, refresh your Website to see if the Widget is showing.
<aside> 💡 If the above steps still did not work, please reach out to our support.
<aside> 💡 Reach out to us via Chat Support on the Dashboard or our Site.